Saturday, November 3, 2007

Homeschool Fall Harvest Celebration!

Our Homeschool Fall Harvest Celebration was a HIT! We sent out invitations to all of the families that participate in the co-op. We planned fun food, games, and pictures for the entire family.

The evening started out with each child getting their Kindergarten or 1st grade picture taken. We had fun being able to take a fun picture outdoors and with fun props. Reagan will remember this Kindergarten pic!
Then we had some good old fashioned competition! We did sack races, a doughnut eating contest, bobbing for apples, and fun with the parachute. The kids (and adults) really had fun playing games in the cool crisp air. We won't mention the cheating that took place in the father's sack race (hmmm....Derek).
What a great start to the school year. We are definitely enjoying the fellowship that comes along with the co-op!

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